Pronoun-Definition, Types, Usage, and Examples

What is Pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Instead of repeating the same noun over and over again, we can use a pronoun to refer back to it.

image showing What is Pronoun?

Types of Pronoun

Here are 10 main Types of Pronoun:

1. Relative Pronouns

 Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses in a sentence. They connect a dependent clause to a main clause and often refer to a noun that comes before them.


  1. The person who called is my friend.
  2. This is the book that I was looking for.

Usage in Sentences

  1. The cat that I adopted from the shelter is very playful.
  2. The car, which belongs to my neighbor, is parked in front of my house.
  3. She has a friend who speaks three languages.

 2. Reflexive Pronouns

 Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same. They end in self or selves.

image showing Reflexive Pronouns AS A TYPE OF PRONOUN


  1. I hurt myself while cooking.
  2. They enjoyed themselves at the party.

Usage in Sentences

  1. She taught herself how to play the guitar.
  2. We should take care of ourselves before helping others.
  3. The children dressed themselves for the school play.

 3. Object Pronouns

 Object pronouns replace the object in a sentence and are used to avoid repetition.


  1.  Give the book to me.
  2.  She invited him to the party.

Usage in Sentences

  1. Can you pass the salt to her?
  2. I saw them at the park yesterday.
  3. The teacher praised us for our hard work.

 4. Personal Pronouns / Subject Pronouns

Personal pronouns are used to replace the subject in a sentence. They vary based on person and number.

image showing Personal Pronouns AS A TYPE OF PRONOUN


  1. I love reading books.
  2. They are going to the movies.

Usage in Sentences

  1. He is my best friend.
  2. We will meet at the coffee shop.
  3. She loves to sing in the shower.

 5. Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns are used when two or more people are involved in an action, expressing mutual action or relationship.


  1. They hugged each other.
  2. We help one another.

Usage in Sentences

  1. The twins always support each other in their endeavors.
  2. We should learn to listen to one another.
  3. The team members trust themselves to perform well.

 6. Possessive Pronoun

 Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or possession. They do not need an accompanying noun.

image showing Possessive Pronouns AS A TYPE OF PRONOUN


  1. This is mine.
  2. The laptop is hers.

Usage in Sentences

  1. The blue notebook is yours, not mine.
  2. Is this pen his or yours?
  3. The keys to the house are theirs.

 7. Demonstrative Pronouns

 Demonstrative pronouns point to specific things or people. The most common ones are “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those.”


  1. I prefer this over that.
  2. Are these your shoes?

Usage in Sentences

  1. That is the restaurant where we had dinner last night.
  2. These are the pictures I was talking about.
  3. I want to buy this shirt.

 8. Interrogative Pronouns

 Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. The main ones are “who,” “whom,” “what,” “which,” and “whose.”


  1. Who is coming to the party?
  2. What do you want for dinner?

Usage in Sentences

  1. Whose book is this on the table?
  2. Which color do you prefer?
  3. What is the purpose of this meeting?

 9. Indefinite Pronouns

 Indefinite pronouns refer to nonspecific people or things. Common examples include “everyone,” “someone,” “something,” and “none.”

image showing Indefinite Pronouns AS A TYPE OF PRONOUN


  1. Everyone enjoyed the movie.
  2. Nobody knows the answer.

Usage in Sentences

  1. Somebody left their umbrella in the hallway.
  2. Everything is ready for the party.
  3. None of the students completed the assignment.

 10. Intensive Pronouns

Intensive pronouns make a noun stand out. They are identical in form to reflexive pronouns.

image showing Intensive Pronouns AS A TYPE OF PRONOUN


  1. I myself will take care of it.
  2. She did the homework herself.

Usage in Sentences

  1. I built this birdhouse all by myself.
  2. The chef prepared the entire meal himself.
  3. They decorated the room themselves for the party.

Examples of Pronoun

Here are a few examples of different pronouns:

image showing Examples of Pronoun
  1. I love reading. (I)
  2. She fixed the bike herself. (She, herself)
  3. They invited us. (They, us)
  4. The cat is yours. (Yours)
  5. This is my favorite song. (This)
  6. Who is coming to the party? (Who)
  7. Everyone enjoyed the movie. (Everyone)
  8. I did it myself. (I, myself)
  9. They hugged each other. (They, each other)
  10. The book I’m reading is interesting. (The book, I’m)
  11. He saw me at the park. (He, me)
  12. Those shoes are hers. (Those, hers)
  13. Give me that. (Me, that)
  14. Is this your pen? (This, your)
  15. Who knows? (Who)